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搜尋結果: 3 項




DL0497 1/6 頭雕和素體套裝 (人偶)

I LOVE this figure!!! Great improvements by PlayToy on the body, and that head sculpt.... WOW. Love her expressiveness. Thanks, e2046!!


Phantom11 (美國

DL0497 1/6 頭雕和素體套裝 (人偶)

Hi all, This is a another very nice production from playtoys.The headsculpt is lovely - it has a nice finish and facial expression and the body has a good finish,good articulation and comes with extra hands and feet to change around.I teamed this up with a hip hop style outfit and it looks really nice - overall - a nice doll at a nice price. Thanks E2046 - same great service as always!!


bassdrum kicker (愛爾蘭

DL0497 1/6 頭雕和素體套裝 (人偶)

Good body and a pretty head sculpt. Thanks E2046.


irishscout (愛爾蘭

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