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搜尋結果: 20 項




AC2567  眼睛水貼 E

Excellent quality print, recommended.


MM99 (美國

AC2567  眼睛水貼 E

great product for future projects and to have a reserve



AC2567  眼睛水貼 E

une super idée un grand nombres de tailles


philippe (法國

AC2567  眼睛水貼 E

I’m glad these sheets were made, I have purchased several figure kits and some didn’t come with eye decals.


dracotay (美國

AC2567  眼睛水貼 E

GOD DAMN FINALLY!!!!!!!! Thank you for listening!!!!! We finally got some eye decal sheets for those kits that don’t have them! The only quibble I would throw out is there aren’t enough realistic eyes. All of the sheets are anime centric. I got two 2B kits and several other kits I want that aren’t anime kits such as Elsa, Erika, Ivy kits where anime eyes will not work and sheet “E” has the most semi-realistic eyes I can try to fit onto those kits. Would be great if you can produce a sheet of realistic eyes ranging from 1/8-1/3 scales. That would be awesome and I would definitely buy that also!


StryderK (美國

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