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Результат поиска: 23 запись


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FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou



fratzen (Франция

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

very cute and a bit small. beautiful cast, fits perfectly,


Yoru (Германия

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

I love these little kits. She's really cute. Parts fit nicely.

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

i love this kit! the only problem l had was that her skirt was too "small" around her body, leaving gaps on the sides. The packing was really good and a quick delivery. There where no broken parts.


chibivamp (Швеция

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

Great kit. well packaged, small seams, some flash. Everything fits well

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

Excellent casting! Can't paint to paint her!

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

Perfectly casted kit, clear pieces have no bubbles, very little prep work needs to be done on her

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou



侍雲滄海 (Тайвань

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

A little cute kit.The cast is really good but the little scale need lot of preparation work.The kit arrived very well protected, nothing broken or missing.Thank E2046!


shoko (Франция

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

She's a bit smaller than I expected, but a beautiful kit. Some seamlines, but the parts fit good. Fast and save arrivel. Thanks


Maron (Германия

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

a very nice kit with only a few awkward bits in the fitment of her kimono.

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

A small model with very good casting and nice details. It will be great fun to build her!


Delta (Швеция

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

i thought she is more bigger but thats not a problem. the smoke part comes clear, thats very good i think. and the parts fit also very well. thank you for this beautiful kit ^^


xxMireillexx (Германия

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

Great. I love this kit.


Suenje (Германия

FG5392  Tenrou
FG5392 Tenrou

Got my Tenrou kit today. Nothing broken. Everything neatly packed. you guys are awesome.


Daedalus (Бельгия

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